Elections, State Board of; supervisory authority over local electoral boards and general registrars.

HB 1202 Elections, State Board of; supervisory authority over local electoral boards and general registrars

Virginia 2010 Regular Session

Elections, State Board of; supervisory authority over local electoral boards and general registrars.

About HB-1202

State Board of Elections; powers and duties. Authorizes the State Board to make reasonable inspections of any polling place or any general registrar or electoral board office. The bill also provides that the State Board shall develop and implement performance measures for evaluating the integrity of elections and the proper administration of election laws by electoral boards and registrars.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 01/13/2010

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Sponsors (2)


House: Subcommittee recommends reporting (6-Y 0-N)


Yeas: 6 | Nays: 0
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Bill Sponsors


House: Left In Privileges And Elections


House: Subcommittee Recommends Reporting (6-y 0-n)


House: Assigned P & E Sub: #2 Elections


House: Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/13/10 10104074d


House: Referred To Committee On Privileges And Elections
