Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Health Improvement and Cost Savings Act

SB 400 Income Tax Subtraction Modification Health Improvement and Cost Savings Act

Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Health Improvement and Cost Savings Act

About SB-400

Providing a subtraction modification under the Maryland income tax for specified health- and fitness-related expenses; limiting the amount of expenses that specified taxpayers may subtract from federal adjusted gross income; requiring the Comptroller in cooperation with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to adopt regulations and report to the General Assembly; applying the Act to tax years after 2012; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/01/2012

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Hearing Cancelled


Hearing 3/13 At 1:30 P.m.


Hearing 3/13 At 1:00 P.m.


Hearing 2/15 At 1:15 P.m.


First Reading Budget And Taxation
