Relates to excluding renewable energy pilot projects and certain energy system-related payments in lieu of taxes from tax cap calculations, and to the establishment of a distributed generation energy development program that provides a single forum for state-level appeals for proposed distributed generation energy facilities.

AB 6015 Relates to excluding renewable energy pilot projects and certain energy system related payments in lieu of taxes from tax cap calculations, and to the establishment of a distributed generation energy development program that provides a single forum for state level appeals for proposed distributed generation energy facilities

New York 2025-2026 General Assembly

Relates to excluding renewable energy pilot projects and certain energy system-related payments in lieu of taxes from tax cap calculations, and to the establishment of a distributed generation energy development program that provides a single forum for state-level appeals for proposed distributed generation energy facilities.

About AB-6015

Relates to excluding renewable energy pilot projects and certain energy system-related payments in lieu of taxes from tax cap calculations, and to the establishment of a distributed generation energy development program that provides a single forum for state-level appeals for proposed distributed generation energy facilities.


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Introduced 02/25/2025

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