Proposing a constitutional amendment reducing The University of Texas System's share of the income and other benefits of the permanent university fund, transferring to the national research university fund and general revenue fund a portion of the annual distribution made from the permanent university fund to the available university fund, and dedicating the portion transferred to the general revenue fund to provide for the support and maintenance of public institutions of higher education.

HJR 24 Proposing a constitutional amendment reducing The University of Texas System's share of the income and other benefits of the permanent university fund, transferring to the national research university fund and general revenue fund a portion of the annual distribution made from the permanent university fund to the available university fund, and dedicating the portion transferred to the general revenue fund to provide for the support and maintenance of public institutions of higher education

Texas 87th Legislature 2nd Special Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment reducing The University of Texas System's share of the income and other benefits of the permanent university fund, transferring to the national research university fund and general revenue fund a portion of the annual distribution made from the permanent university fund to the available university fund, and dedicating the portion transferred to the general revenue fund to provide for the support and maintenance of public institutions of higher education.

About HJR-24

Proposing a constitutional amendment reducing The University of Texas System's share of the income and other benefits of the permanent university fund, transferring to the national research university fund and general revenue fund a portion of the annual distribution made from the permanent university fund to the available university fund, and dedicating the portion transferred to the general revenue fund to provide for the support and maintenance of public institutions of higher education.


Bill Texts

Introduced 08/13/2021

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