Terminating a tenancy for criminal activity or drug-related criminal activity; disposition of personal property left in rental property by a trespasser; preexisting sprinkler ordinances that are stricter than the multifamily dwelling code; towing vehicles illegally parked on private property; terminating certain tenancies for breaches other than failure to pay rent; limitations on the authority of political subdivisions to regulate rental units, historic properties, and signs; prohibiting local governmental units from imposing real property purchase or residential real property occupancy requirements; creating a criminal penalty; and making an appropriation. (FE)

SB 445 Terminating a tenancy for criminal activity or drug related criminal activity; disposition of personal property left in rental property by a trespasser; preexisting sprinkler ordinances that are stricter than the multifamily dwelling code; towing vehicles illegally parked on private property; terminating certain tenancies for breaches other than failure to pay rent; limitations on the authority of political subdivisions to regulate rental units, historic properties, and signs; prohibiting local governmental units from imposing real property purchase or residential real property occupancy requirements; creating a criminal penalty; and making an appropriation (FE)

Wisconsin 2015-2016 Regular Session

Terminating a tenancy for criminal activity or drug-related criminal activity; disposition of personal property left in rental property by a trespasser; preexisting sprinkler ordinances that are stricter than the multifamily dwelling code; towing vehicles illegally parked on private property; terminating certain tenancies for breaches other than failure to pay rent; limitations on the authority of political subdivisions to regulate rental units, historic properties, and signs; prohibiting local governmental units from imposing real property purchase or residential real property occupancy requirements; creating a criminal penalty; and making an appropriation. (FE)

About SB-445

An Act to repeal 66.1019

  • (3) (b) and 101.975 (3); to renumber 706.22
  • (2) (a) 1., 706.22
  • (2) (a) 2

and 706.22

  • (2) (a) 3.; to renumber and amend 66.1019
  • (3) (a), 704.17 (5), 706.22
  • (2) (b), 706.22
  • (3) and 943.14; to amend 20.505
  • (7) (h), 59.69 (4m), 60.64, 62.23
  • (7) (em), 66.0418 (title), 66.0809 (9), 101.02 (7m), 349.13 (3m) (dr) 2., 349.13 (3m) (e) 1., 349.13 (3m) (e) 3., 704.17
  • (1) (b), 704.17
  • (2) (b), 704.19
  • (2) (b) 2., 706.22 (title), 706.22
  • (2) (title), 706.22
  • (2) (a) (intro.) and 800.035 (1); and to create 66.0104
  • (2) (e), 66.0104
  • (2) (f), 66.0104
  • (2) (g), 66.0104
  • (3) (c), 66.0418 (3), 175.403, 704.055, 704.17 (3m), 704.17
  • (5) (b), 706.22
  • (2) (a) 2m., 706.22
  • (2) (a) 3m., 706.22
  • (2) (b) 2., 706.22
  • (3) (b) and 943.14
  • (1) of the statutes; Relating to: terminating a tenancy for criminal activity or drug-related criminal activity; disposition of personal property left in rental property by a trespasser; preexisting sprinkler ordinances that are stricter than the multifamily dwelling code; towing vehicles illegally parked on private property; terminating certain tenancies for breaches other than failure to pay rent; limitations on the authority of political subdivisions to regulate rental units, historic properties, and signs; prohibiting local governmental units from imposing real property purchase or residential real property occupancy requirements; creating a criminal penalty; and making an appropriation



Bill Texts

Introduced 12/10/2015

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Sponsors (4)

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Bill Sponsors


Failed To Pass Pursuant To Senate Joint Resolution 1


Available For Scheduling


Report Passage As Amended Recommended By Committee On Insurance, Housing, And Trade, Ayes 3, Noes 2


Report Adoption Of Senate Substitute Amendment 2 Recommended By Committee On Insurance, Housing, And Trade, Ayes 3, Noes 2


Report Adoption Of Senate Amendment 1 To Senate Substitute Amendment 2 Recommended By Committee On Insurance, Housing, And Trade, Ayes 5, Noes 0


Executive Action Taken


Senate Amendment 1 To Senate Substitute Amendment 2 Offered By Senator Lasee


Senate Substitute Amendment 2 Offered By Senator Lasee


Senate Amendment 1 To Senate Substitute Amendment 1 Offered By Senator Lasee


Senate Substitute Amendment 1 Offered By Senator Lasee


Fiscal Estimate Received


Fiscal Estimate Received


Fiscal Estimate Received


Public Hearing Held


Withdrawn From Committee On Government Operations And Consumer Protection And Rereferred To Committee On Insurance, Housing, And Trade Pursuant To Senate Rule 46(2)(c)


Representative Jarchow Added As A Cosponsor




Read First Time And Referred To Committee On Government Operations And Consumer Protection
