Requires home health aides and nurse's aides to receive training in working with patients of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities or expressions as part of the education and training for certification; directs the commissioner of health to develop curriculum in accordance with specified information.

SB 2534 Requires home health aides and nurse's aides to receive training in working with patients of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities or expressions as part of the education and training for certification; directs the commissioner of health to develop curriculum in accordance with specified information

New York 2021-2022 General Assembly

Requires home health aides and nurse's aides to receive training in working with patients of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities or expressions as part of the education and training for certification; directs the commissioner of health to develop curriculum in accordance with specified information.

About SB-2534

Requires home health aides and nurse's aides to receive training in working with patients of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities or expressions as part of the education and training for certification; directs the commissioner of health to develop curriculum in accordance with specified information.


Bill Texts

Amended 01/21/2021

Introduced 01/21/2021

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Sponsors (8)

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Substituted By A1880a


Amended (t) 2534a


Advanced To Third Reading


2nd Report Cal.


1st Report Cal.986


Referred To Health


Referred To Health
