Public Health Nuisance - Tobacco Smoke in Multidwelling Units - Abatement and

HB 1224 Public Health Nuisance Tobacco Smoke in Multidwelling Units Abatement and

Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Public Health Nuisance - Tobacco Smoke in Multidwelling Units - Abatement and

About HB-1224

Amending the definition of "nuisance" to include tobacco smoke that drifts from specified units into other residential units in a multidwelling property over a specified period of time as it relates to authorizing specified entities or individuals to bring an action in a circuit court for relief from the nuisance; prohibiting a specified community association from bringing an action under specified circumstances; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/12/2012

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Hearing Cancelled


Hearing 3/9 At 1:00 P.m.


Hearing 3/8 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Environmental Matters
