Office of Personnel Services and Benefits - Study of Diversity of Employees in State Agencies

SB 1046 Office of Personnel Services and Benefits Study of Diversity of Employees in State Agencies

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Office of Personnel Services and Benefits - Study of Diversity of Employees in State Agencies

About SB-1046

Requiring the Office of Personnel Services and Benefits within the Department of Budget and Management to study the number and salaries of certain employees employed by certain State agencies in a position of grade 19 or above who are African American, Hispanic, or any other racial minority and report its findings to the Governor and a certain committee of the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2019, and June 1, 2020; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 03/08/2019

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Hearing 3/20 At 1:00 P.m.


Rereferred To Finance


First Reading Senate Rules


Motion Rules Suspend For Late Introduction (senator Nathan-pulliam) Adopted


Referred Senate Rules
