Requires Petroleum Products Gross Receipts Tax rate reduction if certain Legislative action is taken that includes increases in other State tax rates and revenue; dedicates revenues from certain sales and use tax increases to "Transportation Trust Fund Account."

AB 2018 Requires Petroleum Products Gross Receipts Tax rate reduction if certain Legislative action is taken that includes increases in other State tax rates and revenue; dedicates revenues from certain sales and use tax increases to "Transportation Trust Fund Account "

New Jersey 2020-2021 Regular Session

Requires Petroleum Products Gross Receipts Tax rate reduction if certain Legislative action is taken that includes increases in other State tax rates and revenue; dedicates revenues from certain sales and use tax increases to "Transportation Trust Fund Account."

About AB-2018

Requires Petroleum Products Gross Receipts Tax rate reduction if certain Legislative action is taken that includes increases in other State tax rates and revenue; dedicates revenues from certain sales and use tax increases to "Transportation Trust Fund Account."


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Introduced 01/14/2020

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Introduced, Referred To Assembly Transportation And Independent Authorities Committee
