Create a new section of KRS Chapter 67 to define "recorded instrument" and "portal"; establish deadlines for county clerks to maintain portals for the electronic filing and searching of recorded instruments; amend KRS 64.012 to provide that the $10 storage fee collected by a county clerk shall be held by the county fiscal court or legislative body of a consolidated local government or urban-county government or the exclusive purpose of providing funding for the permanent storage of recorded instruments; amend KRS 142.010 to provide that 90 percent of the funds held for the local records grant program shall be set aside and distributed as grants for county clerks; create a new section of KRS Chapter 64 to allow a county clerk in a county containing a population of less than 70,000 to receive an advancement to defray necessary official expenses; appropriate $25,000,000 from the General Fund to the Department for Local Government for the purpose of providing grants to county clerks to establish and maintain portals for the electronic filing and searching of recorded instruments; APPROPRIATION.