Businesses; nonprofit corporations; vicarious liability of nonprofit corporation for volunteers; revise to reflect elimination of mandatory automobile insurance. Amends sec. 209 of 1982 PA 162 (MCL 450.2209). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5627'18

HB 5633 Businesses; nonprofit corporations; vicarious liability of nonprofit corporation for volunteers; revise to reflect elimination of mandatory automobile insurance Amends sec 209 of 1982 PA 162 (MCL 450 2209) TIE BAR WITH: HB 5627'18

Michigan 99th Legislature

Businesses; nonprofit corporations; vicarious liability of nonprofit corporation for volunteers; revise to reflect elimination of mandatory automobile insurance. Amends sec. 209 of 1982 PA 162 (MCL 450.2209). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5627'18

About HB-5633

Businesses; nonprofit corporations; vicarious liability of nonprofit corporation for volunteers; revise to reflect elimination of mandatory automobile insurance. Amends sec. 209 of 1982 PA 162 (MCL 450.2209). TIE BAR WITH: HB 5627'18


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/22/2018

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