Volunteer Firefighters have been a valuable part of public safety to the citizens of the State of Delaware for over 200 years. They have provided fire, rescue, and EMS services, which have saved many lives and averted millions of dollars of property loss in those years. They are, and have been, an asset to our State and have saved our citizens millions of dollars in operating cost. According to the most recent report from the Delaware Auditors’ Office it would cost taxpayers over $193,000,000 to replace the volunteers with a career department. Today, as has been the case for many years, the ranks of Volunteer Firefighters are declining in the State of Delaware. In order to try to bolster those ranks, this bill exempts anyone applying for membership of a volunteer fire company from paying the cost of a background check done by the State of Delaware Bureau of Identification. At the same time, the members of General Assembly of the State of Delaware encourage all citizens to serve their communities as members of their Volunteer Fire Companies. There is no greater gift than to provide public safety to your communities.