The purpose of this bill is to establish the Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program as a permanent program identified as the Municipal Home Rule Program. The bill providing that any ordinance, act, resolution, rule, or regulation enacted pursuant to the Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program shall continue until repealed. The bill clarifies the authority of the Municipal Home Rule Board. The bill allows all municipalities to participate in the Municipal Home Rule Program. The bill requires certain notice prior to passing of an ordinance. The bill clarifies the prohibiting municipalities participating in the Municipal Home Rule Program from passing an ordinance, act, resolution, rule, or regulation that is contrary to certain laws governing the professional licensing or certification of public employees. The bill creates a Home Rule Board Operations Fund. The bill provides for annual assessment of participants and waiver of the assessment. The bill provides for fund expenditures. The bill proscribes fiscal year end funds not transfer to the General revenue Fund. The bill provides for petition procedures to protest enacted or amended ordinances. The bill allows protest of certain ordinances, act, resolution, rule, regulations, or bonds by the voters in a municipal election. The bill eliminates the automatic termination of the Municipal Home Rule Pilot Program on July 1, 2019.