Relating to the eligibility of certain foreign individuals or entities for a limitation on the taxable value of property for school district maintenance and operations ad valorem tax purposes under the Texas Jobs, Energy, Technology, and Innovation Act.

HB 1623 Relating to the eligibility of certain foreign individuals or entities for a limitation on the taxable value of property for school district maintenance and operations ad valorem tax purposes under the Texas Jobs, Energy, Technology, and Innovation Act

Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the eligibility of certain foreign individuals or entities for a limitation on the taxable value of property for school district maintenance and operations ad valorem tax purposes under the Texas Jobs, Energy, Technology, and Innovation Act.

About HB-1623

Relating to the eligibility of certain foreign individuals or entities for a limitation on the taxable value of property for school district maintenance and operations ad valorem tax purposes under the Texas Jobs, Energy, Technology, and Innovation Act.


Bill Texts

Introduced 12/16/2024

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