The purpose of this bill is to discontinue the West Virginia Racing Commission special account known as the West Virginia Greyhound Breeding Development Fund; to transfer all moneys in the West Virginia Greyhound Breeding Development Fund to the state Excess Lottery Revenue Fund for appropriation by the Legislature; to require that all moneys previously required to be directed to the West Virginia Greyhound Breeding Development Fund be redirected to the state Excess Lottery Revenue Fund for appropriation by the Legislature; requiring that upon transfer of moneys from the West Virginia Greyhound Breeding Development Fund to the state Excess Lottery Revenue Fund, a certain amount be withheld and deposited in the special account known as the “administration, promotion, education, capital improvement and greyhound adoption programs to include spaying and neutering account;” to require that all moneys previously required to be directed into any fund or paid for the purpose of funding purses, awards or provide any other funding for greyhound races be redirected to the state Excess Lottery Revenue Fund for appropriation by the Legislature; to eliminate the requirement that an applicant for a dog racing license race a minimum number of dates to qualify for such license; to eliminate the requirement that an applicant for a dog racing license race a minimum number of dates to or to contract to receive telecasts and accept wagers; to eliminate the requirement that a video lottery licensee at a dog track must hold a racing license to renew a video lottery license or racetrack table games license; to eliminate the requirement, for a video lottery licensee at a dog track, that operational video lottery must be located in the same building or structure as a racetrack and area where pari-mutuel wagering is permitted; to eliminate the requirement that an applicant for a video lottery license or license renewal at a dog track must provide evidence of the existence of an agreement regarding proceeds from lottery terminals with certain parties; to eliminate the requirement that an applicant for a racetrack table games license at a dog track must race a certain number of days to qualify for such license; and to eliminate the requirement that a video lottery licensee at a dog track must hold a racing license to conduct simulcast racing.