Occupational licensing boards, prohibit from assessing a monetary fine or penalty against a business entity consumer or individual consumer, 41-9A-1, 41-9A-2 added

HB 87 Occupational licensing boards, prohibit from assessing a monetary fine or penalty against a business entity consumer or individual consumer, 41 9A 1, 41 9A 2 added

Alabama Regular Session 2019

Occupational licensing boards, prohibit from assessing a monetary fine or penalty against a business entity consumer or individual consumer, 41-9A-1, 41-9A-2 added

About HB-87

Occupational licensing boards, prohibit from assessing a monetary fine or penalty against a business entity consumer or individual consumer, 41-9A-1, 41-9A-2 added


Bill Texts

Introduced 03/05/2019

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Read For The First Time And Referred To The House Of Representatives Committee On Boards, Agencies And Commissions
