As enacted, specifies that the words "or fuel-fired appliances" in exception 2 of R501.3 of the 2012 IRC will be disregarded by any state or local government official in determining the applicability of the provision to any residential construction prior to January 1, 2016. - Amends TCA Section 68-120-101.

HB 2163 As enacted, specifies that the words "or fuel fired appliances" in exception 2 of R501 3 of the 2012 IRC will be disregarded by any state or local government official in determining the applicability of the provision to any residential construction prior to January 1, 2016 Amends TCA Section 68 120 101

Tennessee 108th General Assembly

As enacted, specifies that the words "or fuel-fired appliances" in exception 2 of R501.3 of the 2012 IRC will be disregarded by any state or local government official in determining the applicability of the provision to any residential construction prior to January 1, 2016. - Amends TCA Section 68-120-101.

About HB-2163

As enacted, specifies that the words "or fuel-fired appliances" in exception 2 of R501.3 of the 2012 IRC will be disregarded by any state or local government official in determining the applicability of the provision to any residential construction prior to January 1, 2016. - Amends TCA Section 68-120-101.


Bill Texts

Draft 01/28/2014

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