A resolution marking the fifth anniversary of Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity by honoring the bravery, determination, and sacrifice of the people of Ukraine during and since the Revolution, and condemning continued Russian aggression against Ukraine.

SR 74 A resolution marking the fifth anniversary of Ukraine's Revolution of Dignity by honoring the bravery, determination, and sacrifice of the people of Ukraine during and since the Revolution, and condemning continued Russian aggression against Ukraine

US Congress 116th Congress

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Enrolled 07/17/2019

Introduced 06/04/2019

Introduced 02/15/2019

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Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent.


S.amdt.926 Amendment Sa 926 Proposed By Senator Thune For Senator Portman. (consideration: Cr S4861-4862; Text: Cr S4861-4862) In The Nature Of A Substitute.


S.amdt.926 Amendment Sa 926 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


The Committee Amendment To The Preamble Withdrawn By Unanimous Consent.


Resolution Agreed To In Senate With An Amendment And An Amended Preamble By Voice Vote. (consideration: Cr S4860-4864; Text: Cr S4863-4864)


S.amdt.925 Amendment Sa 925 Proposed By Senator Thune For Senator Portman. (consideration: Cr S4862-4863; Text: Cr S4862-4863) To Amend The Preamble.


S.amdt.925 Amendment Sa 925 Agreed To In Senate By Unanimous Consent.


Committee On Foreign Relations. Reported By Senator Risch Without Amendment And With An Amended Preamble. Without Written Report.


Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 103.


Committee On Foreign Relations. Ordered To Be Reported With An Amendment Favorably.


Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations.
