Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first woman elected to the Congress of the United States, the Honorable Jeannette Rankin of Montana.

HR 1031 Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first woman elected to the Congress of the United States, the Honorable Jeannette Rankin of Montana

Pennsylvania 2015-2016 Regular Session

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first woman elected to the Congress of the United States, the Honorable Jeannette Rankin of Montana.

About HR-1031

A Resolution celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first woman elected to the Congress of the United States, the Honorable Jeannette Rankin of Montana.


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House Floor: HR 1031 PN 3938


Yeas: 194 | Nays: 0
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Adopted (194-0)


Introduced As Noncontroversial Resolution Under Rule 35
