Welcoming the independence of the Republic of South Sudan, congratulating the people of South Sudan for freely and peacefully expressing their will through an internationally accepted referendum, and calling on the Governments and people of Sudan and South Sudan to peacefully resolve outstanding issues including the final status of Abyei.

HCR 65 Welcoming the independence of the Republic of South Sudan, congratulating the people of South Sudan for freely and peacefully expressing their will through an internationally accepted referendum, and calling on the Governments and people of Sudan and South Sudan to peacefully resolve outstanding issues including the final status of Abyei

US Congress 112th Congress

Welcoming the independence of the Republic of South Sudan, congratulating the people of South Sudan for freely and peacefully expressing their will through an internationally accepted referendum, and calling on the Governments and people of Sudan and South Sudan to peacefully resolve outstanding issues including the final status of Abyei.

About HCR-65

Welcomes the independence of the Republic of South Sudan and recognizes South Sudan as the newest member of the international community. Calls on the governments of Sudan and South Sudan to resolve outstanding matters in order to ensure a smooth transition to two states and to mitigate points of conflict. Calls on the U.S. government and the international community, in coordination with the governments of Sudan and South Sudan, to support peace, rule of law, and good governance in Sudan and South Sudan. Welcomes the anticipated nomination of a United States ambassador to the Republic of South Sudan.


Bill Texts

Introduced 07/15/2011

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