Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to establish the Nuclear Energy Development Grant Program to be administered by the Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development Authority; establish the nuclear energy development grant administration subcommittee and provide for its duties; limit individual grant awards from the Nuclear Energy Development Grant Program to $2,000,000 per grant; amend KRS 164.2802 to require the director of the Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development Authority to publicize and encourage application to the Nuclear Energy Development Grant Program; require the evaluations and scores of grant applications and grant awards made from the program to be included in the annual report that the Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development Authority submits to the Legislative Research Commission; amend 2024 Kentucky Acts Chapter 173, Section 1, (207), at page 1766, to allow $10,000,000 of the amount appropriated to the University of Kentucky budget unit for the Center of Applied Energy Research's administration and support of the Kentucky Nuclear Energy Authority and the Energy Planning and Inventory Commission for fiscal year 2025-2026 to be used for the Nuclear Energy Development Grant Program; repeal KRS 154.12-340; APPROPRIATION; EMERGENCY.