As introduced, extends from 180 to 185 the number of days following cancellation due to a natural disaster of an event sponsored by a charitable organization that must elapse before ticket buyers forfeit refund of the purchase price. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 47 and Title 62.

HB 120 As introduced, extends from 180 to 185 the number of days following cancellation due to a natural disaster of an event sponsored by a charitable organization that must elapse before ticket buyers forfeit refund of the purchase price Amends TCA Title 4; Title 47 and Title 62

Tennessee 110th General Assembly

As introduced, extends from 180 to 185 the number of days following cancellation due to a natural disaster of an event sponsored by a charitable organization that must elapse before ticket buyers forfeit refund of the purchase price. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 47 and Title 62.

About HB-120

As introduced, extends from 180 to 185 the number of days following cancellation due to a natural disaster of an event sponsored by a charitable organization that must elapse before ticket buyers forfeit refund of the purchase price. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 47 and Title 62.


Bill Texts

Draft 01/27/2017

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Rec. For Pass. If Am., Ref. To Calendar & Rules Committee


Action Def. In Consumer And Human Resources Committee To 3/29/2017


Placed On Cal. Consumer And Human Resources Committee For 3/29/2017


Placed On Cal. Consumer And Human Resources Committee For 3/22/2017


Taken Off Notice For Cal. In Consumer And Human Resources Committee


Taken Off Notice For Cal. In Consumer And Human Resources Committee


Placed On Cal. Consumer And Human Resources Committee For 3/1/2017


Rec For Pass If Am By S/c Ref. To Consumer And Human Resources Committee


Placed On Cal. Consumer And Human Resources Committee For 2/22/2017


Placed On S/c Cal Consumer And Human Resources Subcommittee For 2/15/2017


Assigned To S/c Consumer And Human Resources Subcommittee


P2c, Ref. To Consumer And Human Resources Committee


Intro., P1c.


Filed For Intro.
