Public Health - Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases - Compact

SB 910 Public Health Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases Compact

Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Public Health - Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases - Compact

About SB-910

Entering into the Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases Compact; establishing the Solemn Covenant of States Commission to administer the Compact; providing for the composition, voting procedures, operation, and powers and duties of the Commission; establishing certain procedures for the making of rules by the Commission; authorizing the Commission to establish a management committee; providing for the composition, operation, and powers and duties of the management committee; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/04/2020

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Sponsors (2)

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Bill Sponsors


Hearing Canceled (education, Health, And Environmental Affairs)


Hearing 3/12 At 1:00 P.m. (education, Health, And Environmental Affairs)


Reassigned To Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs Budget And Taxation


Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. (education, Health, And Environmental Affairs)


First Reading Finance And Budget And Taxation
