Labor and Employment - Heightened Security Interest Locations (Secure Maryland Wage Act)

HB 629 Labor and Employment Heightened Security Interest Locations (Secure Maryland Wage Act)

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Heightened Security Interest Locations (Secure Maryland Wage Act)

About HB-629

Requiring that certain employees working at a heightened security interest location be paid a certain wage or combination of wages and benefits; specifying that low wages, high turnover rates, and the inexperience of many employees at certain locations hinder the ability of employees to respond to emergency situations threatening the safety, security, and welfare of the residents of the State; specifying that certain provisions of the Act do not diminish certain rights of certain covered employees; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/07/2019

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Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn


Hearing 2/19 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Economic Matters
