Vehicle Laws - Fines and Fees - Possession, Display, or Renewal of Registration

HB 613 Vehicle Laws Fines and Fees Possession, Display, or Renewal of Registration

Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Fines and Fees - Possession, Display, or Renewal of Registration

About HB-613

Altering the fine for failing to possess a vehicle registration card while driving or to display a vehicle registration card during a traffic stop by establishing a $10 fine rather than a maximum fine of $500; authorizing a court to waive a fine imposed under the Act; authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration to charge a $25 late fee for registration renewals that occur more than 1 week after a registration has expired; etc.


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Introduced 01/29/2020

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Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn


Hearing 2/20 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Environment And Transportation
