Authorizes the Department of State to enter into cooperative agreements to enhance cooperation on energy matters between the United States and Israel, Greece, and Cyprus. The Department of Energy may establish a joint U.S.-Eastern Mediterranean Energy Center in the United States to further dialogue and academic cooperation in energy innovation technology, water science, and technology transfer. An existing ban on transferring defense articles and services on the U.S. Munitions List to Cyprus is modified to allow for such transfers if Cyprus is the end user of the articles or services. Specifically, the State Department shall not deny exports, reexports or transfers of defense articles and services to or from Cyprus if the request is made by or on behalf of Cyprus and if Cyprus is the end user of such articles or services. No funds may be obligated or expended to facilitate the transfer of an F-35 aircraft (or to provide any related items or data) to Turkey unless the President certifies to Congress that Turkey does not plan to accept delivery of the S-400 air defense system from Russia. The State Department shall report on