Relating to the administration of assessment instruments in public schools, eliminating the requirement to use public school assessment instruments as a criterion for promotion or graduation, and the temporary suspension of certain accountability determinations for a school district or campus in a school year in which the operations of the district or campus are disrupted as a result of a declared disaster.

HB 3668 Relating to the administration of assessment instruments in public schools, eliminating the requirement to use public school assessment instruments as a criterion for promotion or graduation, and the temporary suspension of certain accountability determinations for a school district or campus in a school year in which the operations of the district or campus are disrupted as a result of a declared disaster

Texas 87th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to the administration of assessment instruments in public schools, eliminating the requirement to use public school assessment instruments as a criterion for promotion or graduation, and the temporary suspension of certain accountability determinations for a school district or campus in a school year in which the operations of the district or campus are disrupted as a result of a declared disaster.

About HB-3668

Relating to the administration of assessment instruments in public schools, eliminating the requirement to use public school assessment instruments as a criterion for promotion or graduation, and the temporary suspension of certain accountability determinations for a school district or campus in a school year in which the operations of the district or campus are disrupted as a result of a declared disaster.


Bill Texts

Comm Sub 04/30/2021

Introduced 03/18/2021

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