Healthy Working Families Act - Enforcement - Modifications (Healthy Working Families Enforcement Consistency Act)

HB 1262 Healthy Working Families Act Enforcement Modifications (Healthy Working Families Enforcement Consistency Act)

Maryland 2018 Regular Session

Healthy Working Families Act - Enforcement - Modifications (Healthy Working Families Enforcement Consistency Act)

About HB-1262

Repealing the rebuttable presumption that an employer that fails to keep certain records or refuses to allow the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to inspect certain records has violated certain provisions of law; repealing a requirement that the Commissioner investigate a certain complaint within a certain number of days; altering the steps the Commissioner is required to take if the Commissioner receives a certain complaint; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/09/2018

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Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters


Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Economic Matters
