An Act To Amend Title 4 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Direct Purchasing And Shipment Of Wine.

HB 210 An Act To Amend Title 4 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Direct Purchasing And Shipment Of Wine

Delaware 151st General Assembly

An Act To Amend Title 4 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Direct Purchasing And Shipment Of Wine.

About HB-210

This Act permits wine producers holding a valid license within this State or another state to obtain a license and ship wine directly to Delaware consumers so long as it is done through a common carrier with a carrier permit. This Act requires that wine producers pay the taxes normally due for wines; limits the amount of wine that a direct shipper of wine can sell to a single household to 3 9-liter cases per year; and limits the total amount of wine that the direct shipper of wine can ship directly to Delaware consumers to 1,800 9-liter cases annually. This Act requires the signature of a person 21 years of age or older before delivery of the wine and to receive training regarding how to deliver wine responsibly.


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Reported Out Of Committee (economic Development/banking/insurance & Commerce) In House With 3 Favorable, 5 On Its Merits


Introduced And Assigned To Economic Development/banking/insurance & Commerce Committee In House
