Permitting an employer to refuse to employ or to bar or terminate from employment an individual who has been convicted of a felony and who has not been pardoned for that felony and preempting cities, villages, towns, and counties from adopting provisions concerning employment discrimination based on arrest or conviction record that prohibit activity that is allowed under the state fair employment law. (FE)

AB 286 Permitting an employer to refuse to employ or to bar or terminate from employment an individual who has been convicted of a felony and who has not been pardoned for that felony and preempting cities, villages, towns, and counties from adopting provisions concerning employment discrimination based on arrest or conviction record that prohibit activity that is allowed under the state fair employment law (FE)

Wisconsin 2011-2012 Regular Session

Permitting an employer to refuse to employ or to bar or terminate from employment an individual who has been convicted of a felony and who has not been pardoned for that felony and preempting cities, villages, towns, and counties from adopting provisions concerning employment discrimination based on arrest or conviction record that prohibit activity that is allowed under the state fair employment law. (FE)

About AB-286

An Act to repeal 111.335

  • (1) (cg) 3

and 111.335

  • (1) (cv); to renumber and amend 111.335
  • (1) (cm); to amend 111.335
  • (1) (c); and to create 111.31 (6), 111.335
  • (1) (cm) 2

to 4. and 111.335

  • (2) of the statutes; relating to: permitting an employer to refuse to employ or to bar or terminate from employment an individual who has been convicted of a felony and who has not been pardoned for that felony and preempting cities, villages, towns, and counties from adopting provisions concerning employment discrimination based on arrest or conviction record that prohibit activity that is allowed under the state fair employment law



Bill Texts

Introduced 09/29/2011

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Failed To Pass Pursuant To Senate Joint Resolution 1


Report Passage Recommended By Committee On Labor And Workforce Development, Ayes 6, Noes 3


Referred To Committee On Rules


Executive Action Taken


Public Hearing Held


Fiscal Estimate Received




Read First Time And Referred To Committee On Labor And Workforce Development
