Election Law - Qualification of Voters - Proof of Identity

HB 197 Election Law Qualification of Voters Proof of Identity

Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Election Law - Qualification of Voters - Proof of Identity

About HB-197

Requiring an election judge to establish a voter's identity and verify the voter's address if the voter seeks to vote a regular ballot; requiring an election judge to qualify a voter by requesting the voter to present a current government-issued photo identification; requiring an election judge to authorize an individual to vote a regular ballot under certain circumstances; allowing a voter who is unable to present a certain form of identification to vote by provisional ballot under certain circumstances; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/16/2020

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Unfavorable Report By Ways And Means


Hearing Canceled


Hearing 2/06 At 1:00 P.m.


Hearing 2/04 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Ways And Means
