Exempts an employer from paying into the unemployment insurance fund with respect to former public assistance recipients who are now his employees and direct the commissioner of labor and the commissioner of the office of temporary and disability assistance to report to the legislature on the effectiveness of such provision.

AB 5490 Exempts an employer from paying into the unemployment insurance fund with respect to former public assistance recipients who are now his employees and direct the commissioner of labor and the commissioner of the office of temporary and disability assistance to report to the legislature on the effectiveness of such provision

New York 2015-2016 General Assembly

Exempts an employer from paying into the unemployment insurance fund with respect to former public assistance recipients who are now his employees and direct the commissioner of labor and the commissioner of the office of temporary and disability assistance to report to the legislature on the effectiveness of such provision.

About AB-5490

Exempts an employer from paying into the unemployment insurance fund with respect to former public assistance recipients who are now his employees and direct the commissioner of labor and the commissioner of the office of temporary and disability assistance to report to the legislature on the effectiveness of such provision.


Bill Texts

Introduced 12/31/1969

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Enacting Clause Stricken


Held For Consideration In Labor


Referred To Labor


Referred To Labor
