Liver Research Enhancement Act of 2009

HB 1128 Liver Research Enhancement Act of 2009

US Congress 111th Congress

Liver Research Enhancement Act of 2009

About HB-1128

Liver Research Enhancement Act of 2009 - Amends the Public Health Service Act to establish the National Center on Liver Disease Research in the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases to ensure the development of increased understanding of, and better treatments and cures for, liver disease. Requires the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to establish the Liver Disease Research Advisory Board to:

  • (1) advise and assist the Director of the Center concerning matters relating to liver disease research; and
  • (2) develop the Liver Disease Research Action Plan to identify scientific opportunities and priorities of liver disease research

Requires the Director of each institute or center within NIH to allocate for liver disease research amounts necessary to:

  • (1) fund existing scientific research opportunities; and
  • (2) carry out the recommendations of the Plan.


Bill Texts

Introduced 11/27/2010

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Referred To The Subcommittee On Health.


Referred To The House Committee On Energy And Commerce.
