An Act To Amend Title 29, Chapter 104 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Regulatory Flexibility Act.

HB 420 An Act To Amend Title 29, Chapter 104 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Regulatory Flexibility Act

Delaware 148th General Assembly

An Act To Amend Title 29, Chapter 104 Of The Delaware Code Relating To The Regulatory Flexibility Act.

About HB-420

The Regulatory Transparency and Accountability Act of 2015 intended to improve Delaware’s regulatory environment for individual proprietors and small businesses, by requiring each agency to submit a “regulatory impact statement” and a “regulatory flexibility analysis” to the Registrar of Regulations, whenever an agency proposes to adopt or amend certain regulations affecting individual proprietors and/or small businesses, and to transmit such agency regulatory statements to the appropriate standing committee of the General Assembly. These amendments clarify that the Regulatory Flexibility Act was not intended to generate new litigation by creating a private right of action to challenge the sufficiency of the agency regulatory statements submitted to the Registrar of Regulations. Rather, judicial review of compliance is limited to the question of whether the required agency regulatory statements were submitted. These amendments also clarify that the definition of the term “individual” is limited to an individual engaged in a business, either as a sole proprietor, officer, director, or employee.


Bill Texts

Draft 06/14/2016

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Reported Out Of Committee (economic Development/banking/insurance/commerce) In House With 8 On Its Merits


Introduced And Assigned To Economic Development/banking/insurance/commerce Committee In House
