Partnership Fund for Peace Act of 2019

HB 3104 Partnership Fund for Peace Act of 2019

US Congress 116th Congress

Partnership Fund for Peace Act of 2019

About HB-3104

Requires the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to establish the Partnership Fund for Peace for promoting economic development in Palestine and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. Specifically, the bill directs the USAID to establish this fund to finance

  • (1) small and medium-sized Palestinian entrepreneurs and companies in order to promote the private sector and create jobs in Palestinian territories, and
  • (2) people-to-people peacebuilding programs that support reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis

An economic partnership, entrepreneur, or company requesting support from the fund must include a Palestinian entrepreneur or company as a partner. A people-to-people partnership requesting support from the fund must include a nonprofit organization that brings Palestinians and Israelis together for reconciliation or nonprofit organizations that further reconciliation between Arab and Jewish citizens of Israel.


Bill Texts

Introduced 06/14/2019

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