Relates to providing additional reimbursement to school districts for expenses incurred for failure to receive timely payments of state aid, including expenses relating to interest payments and ancillary expenses incurred as a result of not having received aid in a timely manner.

AB 6159 Relates to providing additional reimbursement to school districts for expenses incurred for failure to receive timely payments of state aid, including expenses relating to interest payments and ancillary expenses incurred as a result of not having received aid in a timely manner

New York 2013-2014 General Assembly

Relates to providing additional reimbursement to school districts for expenses incurred for failure to receive timely payments of state aid, including expenses relating to interest payments and ancillary expenses incurred as a result of not having received aid in a timely manner.

About AB-6159

Relates to providing additional reimbursement to school districts for expenses incurred for failure to receive timely payments of state aid, including expenses relating to interest payments and ancillary expenses incurred as a result of not having received aid in a timely manner.


Bill Texts

Introduced 12/31/1969

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