Requires the removal from an insured's record of claims any claim made in good faith and paid for lost property which was not lost and the insured reimbursed the insurer for the claim after the lost property is found.

AB 6290 Requires the removal from an insured's record of claims any claim made in good faith and paid for lost property which was not lost and the insured reimbursed the insurer for the claim after the lost property is found

New York 2015-2016 General Assembly

Requires the removal from an insured's record of claims any claim made in good faith and paid for lost property which was not lost and the insured reimbursed the insurer for the claim after the lost property is found.

About AB-6290

Requires the removal from an insured's record of claims any claim made in good faith and paid for lost property which was not lost and the insured reimbursed the insurer for the claim after the lost property is found.


Bill Texts

Introduced 12/31/1969

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