Further providing for definitions and for classes of service; providing for election to become a Class D-C member; and establishing the Legislative Agency Official and Employee Defined Contribution Benefit Program and the Individual Annuity Savings Account.

HB 761 Further providing for definitions and for classes of service; providing for election to become a Class D C member; and establishing the Legislative Agency Official and Employee Defined Contribution Benefit Program and the Individual Annuity Savings Account

Pennsylvania 2013-2014 Regular Session

Further providing for definitions and for classes of service; providing for election to become a Class D-C member; and establishing the Legislative Agency Official and Employee Defined Contribution Benefit Program and the Individual Annuity Savings Account.

About HB-761

An Act amending Title 71 (State Government) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for definitions and for classes of service; providing for election to become a Class D-C member; and establishing the Legislative Agency Official and Employee Defined Contribution Benefit Program and the Individual Annuity Savings Account.


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