Motor Vehicle Registration - Exceptions for Golf Carts - Cobb Island

HB 948 Motor Vehicle Registration Exceptions for Golf Carts Cobb Island

Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Motor Vehicle Registration - Exceptions for Golf Carts - Cobb Island

About HB-948

Establishing exceptions to motor vehicle registration requirements for golf carts on Cobb Island in Charles County; requiring an operator of a golf cart on a highway on Cobb Island without a certain registration to operate the golf cart only on a highway with a maximum posted speed limit of 30 miles per hour and between dawn and dusk; requiring the vehicle to be equipped with certain lighting devices and to be kept to the far right of the roadway; and requiring the operator to possess a valid driver's license.


Bill Texts

Engrossed 03/18/2023

Introduced 02/10/2023

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