Expenditure of $8,630,650.62 from the general fund for payment of a claim against the state made by Walsh Construction. (FE)

AB 913 Expenditure of $8,630,650 62 from the general fund for payment of a claim against the state made by Walsh Construction (FE)

Wisconsin 2023-2024 Regular Session

Expenditure of $8,630,650.62 from the general fund for payment of a claim against the state made by Walsh Construction. (FE)

About AB-913

An Act Relating to: expenditure of $8,630,650.62 from the general fund for payment of a claim against the state made by Walsh Construction. (FE)


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/04/2024

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Failed To Pass Pursuant To Senate Joint Resolution 1


Fiscal Estimate Received




Read First Time And Referred To Committee On State Affairs
