Amend KRS 320.210 to modify the definition of the practice of optometry to include types of diagnoses and treatment of diseases, disorders, or conditions of the eye and its appendages by a licensed optometrist; permit prescribing and adapting visual aids and Schedule III or lower drugs or employing vision therapy or orthoptics, low vision rehabilitation, and certain laser surgery procedures; include the correction and relief of ocular abnormalities by surgical procedures not otherwise excluded in the practice of optometry; list a variety of procedures that are excluded from the practice of optometry, except for the preoperative and postoperative care of those procedures; indicate that a person is regarded as practicing optometry if he or she performs or advertises to perform optometric operations of any kind, prescribes or provides any means or device to help the human eye, or uses the word "optometrist" or other similar designation in connection with his or her name; amend KRS 320.240 to authorize the board to promulgate administrative regulations for optometrist licensure; forbid an individual from practicing optometry unless he or she is licensed by the board; establish the board's sole jurisdiction over the practice of optometry; declare that in a public health emergency, the Commissioner of Health may authorize therapeutically licensed optometrists to administer inoculation for systemic health reasons; name KRS 320.210 and 320.240 the "Better Access to Quality Eye Care Act."