An Act To Amend Title 10 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Sales Of Real Estate Made By A Sheriff.

HB 159 An Act To Amend Title 10 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Sales Of Real Estate Made By A Sheriff

Delaware 151st General Assembly

An Act To Amend Title 10 Of The Delaware Code Relating To Sales Of Real Estate Made By A Sheriff.

About HB-159

This act modifies the locations at which sheriffs sales may be conducted to provide the sheriffs with needed flexibility and to modernize the sheriffs sale process. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has revealed substantial inflexibility in 10 Del. C. § 4974 as currently adopted, forcing the sheriff of each of the three counties to either hold sheriffs sales outdoors, find non-governmental venues in which to hold sheriffs sales or cancel sheriffs sales. Additionally, the New Castle County Sheriff is considering using an online auction process to conduct sheriffs sales, as other counties throughout the United States have done, but § 4974 as currently adopted does not permit online sheriffs sales. Finally, this act removes uncertainty regarding the meaning of the term public building as currently used in § 4974 by adopting a definition that is consistent with the Delaware Supreme Courts definition of that term in Moore v. Wilmington Housing Authority, 619 A.2d 1166, 1174-75 (Del. 1993).


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Signed By Governor


Passed By Senate. Votes: 21 Yes


Reported Out Of Committee (judiciary) In Senate With 5 On Its Merits


Amendment Ha 1 To Hb 159 - Passed In House By Voice Vote


Passed By House. Votes: 40 Yes 1 Absent


Assigned To Judiciary Committee In Senate


Amendment Ha 1 To Hb 159 - Introduced And Placed With Bill


Reported Out Of Committee (judiciary) In House With 2 Favorable, 6 On Its Merits


Introduced And Assigned To Judiciary Committee In House
