Requires all authorities having jurisdiction over a population exceeding five thousand residents to adopt a residential automated solar permitting platform by June thirtieth, two thousand twenty-six.

AB 6270 Requires all authorities having jurisdiction over a population exceeding five thousand residents to adopt a residential automated solar permitting platform by June thirtieth, two thousand twenty six

New York 2025-2026 General Assembly

Requires all authorities having jurisdiction over a population exceeding five thousand residents to adopt a residential automated solar permitting platform by June thirtieth, two thousand twenty-six.

About AB-6270

Requires all authorities having jurisdiction over a population exceeding five thousand residents to adopt a residential automated solar permitting platform by June thirtieth, two thousand twenty-six.


Bill Texts

Amended 03/03/2025

Introduced 03/03/2025

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Amend And Recommit To Energy


Print Number 6270a


Referred To Energy
