The intent of this Act is to promote competitive bidding for public school contracts. Competitive bidding benefits the public school and the public, generally, as it promotes better quality bidding and, consequently, thereby promotes more efficient and economical use of public funds. This Act furthers this goal by providing a losing bidder for a contract with a qualitative assessment, when requested, of the specific reasons that a bid was denied so that such losing bidder understands how to improve its bid when the awarded contract is about to later expire and new bids are to be solicited. Specifically, this Act accomplishes this goal by permitting an unsuccessful bidder to request an explanation of the reason(s) that a public school district did not award a contract to that bidder. For example, if the bidder was not the lowest bid for the contract, the Notification would indicate that there was a lower bid. By way of additional example, if the bidder was the lowest bid but was deemed to not be responsible due to the bidder’s record of poor performance on past projects, the Notification would so indicate.