State Government - Maryland Reparations Commission - Establishment (Harriet Tubman Community Investment Act)

HB 594 State Government Maryland Reparations Commission Establishment (Harriet Tubman Community Investment Act)

Maryland 2022 Regular Session

State Government - Maryland Reparations Commission - Establishment (Harriet Tubman Community Investment Act)

About HB-594

Establishing the Maryland Reparations Commission to develop and administer a program to provide compensatory benefits to the descendants of individuals enslaved in the State; providing that any individual whose ancestors were enslaved in the State is eligible to receive certain benefits; authorizing the Commission to seek the assistance of State agencies to develop and evaluate processes and applications; requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill such sums as necessary to carry out the Act; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/01/2022

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Hearing 3/01 At 1:30 P.m.


First Reading Health And Government Operations
