Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding United States policy recognizing the Semele Massacre of 1933.

HR 1246 Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding United States policy recognizing the Semele Massacre of 1933

US Congress 116th Congress

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives regarding United States policy recognizing the Semele Massacre of 1933.

About HR-1246

This resolution expresses the sense of the House of Representatives that it is U.S. policy to officially recognize and remember the Semele Massacre (the 1933 killing of up to 3,000 Assyrian Christian men, women, and children by the government of Iraq), to reject efforts to associate the U.S. government with denial of the massacre, and to encourage education and public understanding of the massacre and its relevance to modern-day crimes against humanity.


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Introduced 12/03/2020

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Referred To The House Committee On Foreign Affairs.
