Affirming the historical relationship between the United States and the Kingdom of Morocco, condemning the recent provocative actions of the Polisario Front and its foreign supporters, and encouraging efforts by the United Nations to reach a peaceful resolution of the Western Sahara conflict.

HR 223 Affirming the historical relationship between the United States and the Kingdom of Morocco, condemning the recent provocative actions of the Polisario Front and its foreign supporters, and encouraging efforts by the United Nations to reach a peaceful resolution of the Western Sahara conflict

US Congress 116th Congress

Affirming the historical relationship between the United States and the Kingdom of Morocco, condemning the recent provocative actions of the Polisario Front and its foreign supporters, and encouraging efforts by the United Nations to reach a peaceful resolution of the Western Sahara conflict.

About HR-223

This resolution reaffirms U.S. support for Morocco and condemns actions taken by Iran and Hezbollah that promote instability in the region. The resolution also calls for a peaceful agreement to ending the Western Sahara conflict between Morocco and the Polisario Front.


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Introduced 03/14/2019

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Referred To The Subcommittee On Middle East, North Africa And International Terrorism.


Introduced In House


Referred To The House Committee On Foreign Affairs.
