ZTE Theft Act Zero Tolerance for Electronics Theft Act

HB 2841 ZTE Theft Act Zero Tolerance for Electronics Theft Act

US Congress 116th Congress

ZTE Theft Act Zero Tolerance for Electronics Theft Act

About HB-2841

Imposes certain requirements on Chinese telecommunications, software, and electronics companies that were denied export privileges on or after a certain date. Such a company shall be eligible for export privileges only if it certifies to the Department of Justice that it will

  • (1) abide by all U.S. laws,
  • (2) not engage in cyber espionage, and
  • (3) not infringe intellectual property

To obtain export privilege eligibility, the company shall also establish with the Department of the Treasury a $2.5 billion account to pay any patent infringement judgments against it. An entity seeking a preliminary injunction against such a company in an infringement lawsuit shall not be required to establish that irreparable harm would result if the injunction is not granted.


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Introduced 06/03/2019

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Referred To The Subcommittee On Courts, Intellectual Property, And The Internet.


Introduced In House


Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary, And In Addition To The Committee On Foreign Affairs, For A Period To Be Subsequently Determined By The Speaker, In Each Case For Consideration Of Such Provisions As Fall Within The Jurisdiction Of The Committee Concerned.
