Task Force to Study Veterans' Suicide Causes and Prevention

HB 997 Task Force to Study Veterans' Suicide Causes and Prevention

Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Task Force to Study Veterans' Suicide Causes and Prevention

About HB-997

Establishing the Task Force to Study Veterans' Suicide Causes and Prevention; requiring the Task Force to study certain issues related to veterans' suicide in the State; requiring the Task Force to coordinate and communicate with certain groups in completing a certain study; requiring the Task Force to make certain recommendations; requiring the Task Force to submit an interim and a final report to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before certain dates; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/07/2020

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Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn


Hearing Canceled


Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Health And Government Operations
