Family Law - Termination of Alimony - Cohabitation of Recipient

HB 1441 Family Law Termination of Alimony Cohabitation of Recipient

Maryland 2012 Regular Session

Family Law - Termination of Alimony - Cohabitation of Recipient

About HB-1441

Establishing that alimony terminates on the cohabitation of an alimony recipient and a specified other individual under specified circumstances; establishing that cohabitation is presumed under specified circumstances; and requiring that, on the marriage or cohabitation of the recipient, the recipient notify the party who is required to pay alimony.


Bill Texts

Introduced 03/02/2012

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Bill Sponsors


Unfavorable Report By Judiciary


Hearing 3/21 At 1:00 P.m.


Re-referred Judiciary


First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations
